By now you have noticed this site has a different color scheme, its dark but its not google apps dark nor samsung pitch black dark, its just dARK, well this is where i introduce this theme officially.


This is my own effort to create a color scheme that doesn't blind by being too dark or too light and not solarized. I found this color (0f111a) for the first time on material theme for Vscode, so i copied the main color and added other colors gradually until here we are, currently anything that uses Xresources can use these colors, and there are many other apps themed as well.

Desktop Environments:


From 3rd party:

Custom ROMs:



  • To be able to use the colors globally copy .Xresources to ~/.Xresources
  • for more applications check out my dotfiles


  • Each repo has specific instructions on how to install


theme colors


  • If you have created a theme for an application do a pull request on the github repo, then I will fork the repo.


Licensed Under The GNU GPL version 3, For more info read LICENSE.

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