Credit Card Fraud Detection With Pytorch

4 min read.

This notebook classifies credit card transactions to fraudulent or non fraudulent, the dataset is a set of PCA features extracted from the original data in order to conceal the identities of the parties in question.

# install torchsummary
!pip install -q torchsummary
WARNING: Running pip as root will break packages and permissions. You should install packages reliably by using venv:
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from numpy import sum
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, classification_report
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from import TensorDataset, DataLoader
from tqdm import tqdm
from torchsummary import summary

# set figure size
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (14,7)
df = pd.read_csv("../input/creditcardfraud/creditcard.csv")
Time V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 ... V21 V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V27 V28 Amount Class
0 0.0 -1.359807 -0.072781 2.536347 1.378155 -0.338321 0.462388 0.239599 0.098698 0.363787 ... -0.018307 0.277838 -0.110474 0.066928 0.128539 -0.189115 0.133558 -0.021053 149.62 0
1 0.0 1.191857 0.266151 0.166480 0.448154 0.060018 -0.082361 -0.078803 0.085102 -0.255425 ... -0.225775 -0.638672 0.101288 -0.339846 0.167170 0.125895 -0.008983 0.014724 2.69 0
2 1.0 -1.358354 -1.340163 1.773209 0.379780 -0.503198 1.800499 0.791461 0.247676 -1.514654 ... 0.247998 0.771679 0.909412 -0.689281 -0.327642 -0.139097 -0.055353 -0.059752 378.66 0
3 1.0 -0.966272 -0.185226 1.792993 -0.863291 -0.010309 1.247203 0.237609 0.377436 -1.387024 ... -0.108300 0.005274 -0.190321 -1.175575 0.647376 -0.221929 0.062723 0.061458 123.50 0
4 2.0 -1.158233 0.877737 1.548718 0.403034 -0.407193 0.095921 0.592941 -0.270533 0.817739 ... -0.009431 0.798278 -0.137458 0.141267 -0.206010 0.502292 0.219422 0.215153 69.99 0

5 rows × 31 columns

# some stats about the data
print(f"Number of data points: {df.size}")
print(f"Number of Fradulant Transactions: {df['Class'].value_counts()[1]}")
print(f"Number of non-fradulant Transactions: {df['Class'].value_counts()[0]}\n\n")
sns.countplot(x=df["Class"], palette="YlGnBu").set(title="Class Balance Between Transcation Types")
Number of data points: 8829017
Number of Fradulant Transactions: 492
Number of non-fradulant Transactions: 284315


there is huge class impalance in the data, this might lead to a biased model, we can mitigate this by only using the same amount of class 0 while training or we could generate some sample data from the given features.

# Amount per transaction for each type
sns.scatterplot(data=df.reset_index(), x="index", y="Amount", hue="Class", cmap="YlGnBu").set(title="Amount per transaction")


fraudulent transactions dont tend to have a large sum of cash per transaction, we can confirm this by calculating some statistics such as max, min and mean for each type of transaction.

for i, word in zip(range(2), ["Positive", "Negative"]):
    print(f"{word} transactions statistics")
    print(df[df["Class"] == i]["Amount"].describe(), "\n\n")
Positive transactions statistics
count    284315.000000
mean         88.291022
std         250.105092
min           0.000000
25%           5.650000
50%          22.000000
75%          77.050000
max       25691.160000
Name: Amount, dtype: float64

Negative transactions statistics
count     492.000000
mean      122.211321
std       256.683288
min         0.000000
25%         1.000000
50%         9.250000
75%       105.890000
max      2125.870000
Name: Amount, dtype: float64
# split data into training and testing
X = df.drop("Class", axis=1)
y = df["Class"]

# scale the values of x (better training)
scaler = StandardScaler()
X = scaler.transform(X)

# split data to train and test
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.30, stratify=y) # stratify keeps class balance
# create tensor datasets from df
X_train = torch.FloatTensor(X_train)
X_test = torch.FloatTensor(X_test)
y_train = torch.FloatTensor(y_train.values)
y_test = torch.FloatTensor(y_test.values)
train_ds = TensorDataset(X_train, y_train)
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
# create dataloaders
batch_size = 128
train_dl = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=batch_size)
# Network Architecture
class FraudNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, num_layers=4):
        self.input = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(input_dim, hidden_dim),
        # make the number of hidden dim layers configurable
        self.layers = nn.ModuleList()
        for i in range(num_layers):
            self.layers.append(nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim))

        # final layer
        self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, 2)

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.input(x)
        for layer in self.layers:
            out = layer(out)
        return self.fc(out)
# training function
def train_model(model, epochs, loss_fn, optimizer):
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        with tqdm(train_dl, unit="batch") as tepoch:
            for data, target in tepoch:
                data, target =,
                tepoch.set_description(f"Epoch {epoch}")
                preds = model(data)
                loss = loss_fn(preds, target.long())
inp_size = X_train.shape[1]
model = FraudNet(inp_size, inp_size).to(device)
loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),  lr = 1e-4)

# summarize the model layers
summary(model, (inp_size, inp_size))
        Layer (type)               Output Shape         Param #
            Linear-1               [-1, 30, 30]             930
              ReLU-2               [-1, 30, 30]               0
            Linear-3               [-1, 30, 30]             930
              ReLU-4               [-1, 30, 30]               0
            Linear-5               [-1, 30, 30]             930
              ReLU-6               [-1, 30, 30]               0
            Linear-7               [-1, 30, 30]             930
              ReLU-8               [-1, 30, 30]               0
            Linear-9               [-1, 30, 30]             930
             ReLU-10               [-1, 30, 30]               0
           Linear-11                [-1, 30, 2]              62
Total params: 4,712
Trainable params: 4,712
Non-trainable params: 0
Input size (MB): 0.00
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 0.07
Params size (MB): 0.02
Estimated Total Size (MB): 0.09
epochs = 10
train_model(model, epochs, loss, optim)
Epoch 0: 100%|██████████| 1558/1558 [00:11<00:00, 137.25batch/s, loss=0.000822]
Epoch 1: 100%|██████████| 1558/1558 [00:11<00:00, 138.96batch/s, loss=0.000756]
Epoch 2: 100%|██████████| 1558/1558 [00:11<00:00, 139.36batch/s, loss=0.0022]
Epoch 3: 100%|██████████| 1558/1558 [00:11<00:00, 133.62batch/s, loss=0.00293]
Epoch 4: 100%|██████████| 1558/1558 [00:11<00:00, 137.87batch/s, loss=0.00276]
Epoch 5: 100%|██████████| 1558/1558 [00:11<00:00, 137.02batch/s, loss=0.00241]
Epoch 6: 100%|██████████| 1558/1558 [00:11<00:00, 135.01batch/s, loss=0.00206]
Epoch 7: 100%|██████████| 1558/1558 [00:11<00:00, 139.75batch/s, loss=0.0018]
Epoch 8: 100%|██████████| 1558/1558 [00:11<00:00, 134.36batch/s, loss=0.00159]
Epoch 9: 100%|██████████| 1558/1558 [00:11<00:00, 138.24batch/s, loss=0.00143]
preds = model(
print(classification_report(y_test, preds.cpu()))
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

         0.0       1.00      1.00      1.00     85295
         1.0       0.90      0.76      0.82       148

    accuracy                           1.00     85443
   macro avg       0.95      0.88      0.91     85443
weighted avg       1.00      1.00      1.00     85443
class_def = {0 : "Not Fraudulent", 1 : "Fraudulent"}
cm_df = pd.DataFrame(confusion_matrix(y_test, preds.cpu())).rename(columns=class_def, index=class_def)
cm_df = cm_df / sum(cm_df)
sns.heatmap(cm_df, annot=True, fmt='0.2%', cmap="YlGnBu").set(title="Confusion Matrix", xlabel="Predicted Label", ylabel="True Label")


as expected the model does have some issue with classifiying fraudulent transactions, this can be addressed in multiple ways:

  • use the same amount of data for both classes
  • generate more data for fraudulent class 1
  • use a deeper network (more layers)
  • use a different network architecture
  • use other algorithms

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