4 min read.


  • show places of leisure in a map
  • make observations about the places and their distribution
  • explore the most widely available leisure type in india
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import ast
import plotly.express as px
import geopandas as gpd
le = pd.read_csv("../input/buildings-amenities-all-over-india/leisure.csv")
Unnamed: 0 name leisure longitude-lattitude All_tags
0 249132377 DLF Golf Links Golf Course golf_course (77.10471029999984, 28.45473270000001) {'name': 'DLF Golf Links Golf Course', 'barrie...
1 250737365 NaN park (80.23786640000002, 13.04278489999996) {'leisure': 'park'}
2 250979543 Yoga Centre sports_centre (75.8870475, 31.52995199999996) {'name': 'Yoga Centre', 'leisure': 'sports_cen...
3 280167017 Black Thunder water_park (76.9132247999999, 11.32635400000001) {'name': 'Black Thunder', 'leisure': 'water_pa...
4 280701513 Ootacamund Gymkhana Golf Course golf_course (76.67157809999996, 11.417312599999995) {'name': 'Ootacamund Gymkhana Golf Course', 'l...
# remove all tags column and rename columns
le = le.drop("All_tags", axis=1)
le.columns = ["id", "name", "leisure", "lo-la"]
id name leisure lo-la
0 249132377 DLF Golf Links Golf Course golf_course (77.10471029999984, 28.45473270000001)
1 250737365 NaN park (80.23786640000002, 13.04278489999996)
2 250979543 Yoga Centre sports_centre (75.8870475, 31.52995199999996)
3 280167017 Black Thunder water_park (76.9132247999999, 11.32635400000001)
4 280701513 Ootacamund Gymkhana Golf Course golf_course (76.67157809999996, 11.417312599999995)
# set the ID as index
le.index = le["id"]
le = le.drop("id", axis = 1)
name leisure lo-la
249132377 DLF Golf Links Golf Course golf_course (77.10471029999984, 28.45473270000001)
250737365 NaN park (80.23786640000002, 13.04278489999996)
250979543 Yoga Centre sports_centre (75.8870475, 31.52995199999996)
280167017 Black Thunder water_park (76.9132247999999, 11.32635400000001)
280701513 Ootacamund Gymkhana Golf Course golf_course (76.67157809999996, 11.417312599999995)
# check NA values
name       27143
leisure        0
lo-la      37876
dtype: int64

the latitude and longitude are the most important columns so we will drop all rows that do not have them

le = le[le['lo-la'].notna()]
name leisure lo-la
249132377 DLF Golf Links Golf Course golf_course (77.10471029999984, 28.45473270000001)
250737365 NaN park (80.23786640000002, 13.04278489999996)
250979543 Yoga Centre sports_centre (75.8870475, 31.52995199999996)
280167017 Black Thunder water_park (76.9132247999999, 11.32635400000001)
280701513 Ootacamund Gymkhana Golf Course golf_course (76.67157809999996, 11.417312599999995)
... ... ... ...
8277782288 NaN playground (76.29733219999959, 10.029497999999887)
8280851413 Gothuruth muzhiris park park (76.21773650000003, 10.190251200000016)
8280851414 Gothuruth Muzhiris park park (76.21771200000003, 10.190284000000016)
8281209559 Exalt Fitness Club Gym fitness_centre (72.56438300000039, 23.089663400000084)
8281506191 NaN playground (75.54409639999994, 11.927387099999967)

5813 rows × 3 columns

fill the missing names with the word “missing”

le['name'].fillna("missing", inplace=True)
name leisure lo-la
249132377 DLF Golf Links Golf Course golf_course (77.10471029999984, 28.45473270000001)
250737365 missing park (80.23786640000002, 13.04278489999996)
250979543 Yoga Centre sports_centre (75.8870475, 31.52995199999996)
280167017 Black Thunder water_park (76.9132247999999, 11.32635400000001)
280701513 Ootacamund Gymkhana Golf Course golf_course (76.67157809999996, 11.417312599999995)
... ... ... ...
8277782288 missing playground (76.29733219999959, 10.029497999999887)
8280851413 Gothuruth muzhiris park park (76.21773650000003, 10.190251200000016)
8280851414 Gothuruth Muzhiris park park (76.21771200000003, 10.190284000000016)
8281209559 Exalt Fitness Club Gym fitness_centre (72.56438300000039, 23.089663400000084)
8281506191 missing playground (75.54409639999994, 11.927387099999967)

5813 rows × 3 columns

most available types of leisure places according to type

park                        1798
playground                   773
fitness_centre               580
resort                       544
pitch                        497
sports_centre                495
fishing                      238
garden                       196
stadium                      159
swimming_pool                155
dance                         58
fitness_station               56
nature_reserve                52
water_park                    24
marina                        20
slipway                       16
beach_resort                  14
common                        13
amusement_arcade              12
track                         10
yes                           10
outdoor_seating                9
golf_course                    8
recreation_ground              6
club                           6
bandstand                      5
bowling_alley                  5
hackerspace                    5
bird_hide                      4
adult_gaming_centre            4
sauna                          4
picnic_table                   3
swimming_area                  3
firepit                        3
horse_riding                   3
cultural_centre                2
gym                            2
hot_spring                     2
indoor_play                    2
wildlife_hide                  2
spa                            2
Park in residential area       1
aquarium                       1
leisure                        1
ground                         1
Meeting_point                  1
sports_hall                    1
summer_camp                    1
social_club                    1
yoga                           1
schoolyard                     1
quary                          1
yoga_centre                    1
Name: leisure, dtype: int64

lets draw a graph for an easier understanding

plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 10.0
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20, 10
ax = sns.countplot(le['leisure'], palette="Blues_r", order=le.leisure.value_counts()[:20].index)

ax.set_title("Most Avaiable Leisure Places in India")
# rotate the names so they fit
ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=40, ha="right")


parks are the most common type of leisure building in india

# split coordinates
cords = list(le["lo-la"])
long = []
lat = []
for cord in cords:
    set_r = ast.literal_eval(cord)

le["long"] = long
le["lat"] = lat
name leisure lo-la long lat
249132377 DLF Golf Links Golf Course golf_course (77.10471029999984, 28.45473270000001) 77.104710 28.454733
250737365 missing park (80.23786640000002, 13.04278489999996) 80.237866 13.042785
250979543 Yoga Centre sports_centre (75.8870475, 31.52995199999996) 75.887047 31.529952
280167017 Black Thunder water_park (76.9132247999999, 11.32635400000001) 76.913225 11.326354
280701513 Ootacamund Gymkhana Golf Course golf_course (76.67157809999996, 11.417312599999995) 76.671578 11.417313
# drop the old coordinates column
le = le.drop("lo-la", axis=1)
name leisure long lat
249132377 DLF Golf Links Golf Course golf_course 77.104710 28.454733
250737365 missing park 80.237866 13.042785
250979543 Yoga Centre sports_centre 75.887047 31.529952
280167017 Black Thunder water_park 76.913225 11.326354
280701513 Ootacamund Gymkhana Golf Course golf_course 76.671578 11.417313
# basic scatter plot of places
plt.scatter(x=le["long"], y=le["lat"])


above is the initial shape of the locations in the map based on their longitude and latitude, we can already see that the shape looks like india meaning there are many leisure places around the country

# create and view geopandas dataframe
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    le, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(le.long, le.lat))
name leisure long lat geometry
249132377 DLF Golf Links Golf Course golf_course 77.104710 28.454733 POINT (77.10471 28.45473)
250737365 missing park 80.237866 13.042785 POINT (80.23787 13.04278)
250979543 Yoga Centre sports_centre 75.887047 31.529952 POINT (75.88705 31.52995)
280167017 Black Thunder water_park 76.913225 11.326354 POINT (76.91322 11.32635)
280701513 Ootacamund Gymkhana Golf Course golf_course 76.671578 11.417313 POINT (76.67158 11.41731)
... ... ... ... ... ...
8277782288 missing playground 76.297332 10.029498 POINT (76.29733 10.02950)
8280851413 Gothuruth muzhiris park park 76.217737 10.190251 POINT (76.21774 10.19025)
8280851414 Gothuruth Muzhiris park park 76.217712 10.190284 POINT (76.21771 10.19028)
8281209559 Exalt Fitness Club Gym fitness_centre 72.564383 23.089663 POINT (72.56438 23.08966)
8281506191 missing playground 75.544096 11.927387 POINT (75.54410 11.92739)

5813 rows × 5 columns

# set mapbox acces token (required for drawing an interactive map)
# generate and show points in map (its intractive!)
fig = px.scatter_geo(gdf,
                    hover_data=["name", "leisure"],
                    locationmode="country names"
fig.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") # zoom in to only india
# check the project source code for the interactive version of the map


observations form the map

  • most of the leisure places are located the the cost
  • there are some obvious outlier locations that are probably fake
  • the center of india has the least amount of leisure places
  • most of the resorts are located on the western cost
  • parks are the only leisure activity available all across the country

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